The reasons for the stability of weight

The reasons for the stability of weight

Many people struggle and try to control their weight in most cases, because obesity is one of the common health problems among individuals, but there are some methods used that contribute significantly to knowing if the individual has any problems with weight or if his weight is within the
natural and healthy limit .

Among the most important of these methods and procedures used to know normal weight; Body mass index (BMI), waist measurement, waist-to-hip ratio, and other methods

Stability in weight
A person may suffer from the inability to lose weight despite following some types of healthy diets, that is, they suffer from weight constancy, so some scholars have interpreted it on the basis that when a person follows a specific diet he may eat and gain more calories than he thinks.
Therefore it is advised not to follow any kind of diet, and instead pay attention to the nature of their daily habits that may cause them to gain weight.
As some types of diet may lead to an individual craving food, and a craving for food, because he believes that meals do not work or are not enough.
Among the most important daily habits that an individual performs that cause weight stability and the inability to lose it; Eat while cooking, and start the day by drinking a high-calorie cup of coffee.
The reasons for the stability of weight
The most important reasons for the stability of weight and its lack of descent are the following:
You are losing weight, but you do not notice it
The most common thing is that the scale may not determine whether the weight you lost is fat or muscle, as it is possible for an individual's body to gain some muscle in the same period in which he loses weight, especially if he started exercising recently.
This is good because the body needs to lose the fat in it, and not only lose weight, and in the case that the individual has not been suffering from weight stability for more than a week or two, then there is no need to feel concerned about it.
Not following the individual for what he eats
Awareness is very important in the event of wanting to lose and lose weight, because there are many individuals who may have no idea how much food they usually eat.
And many studies have proven the importance of tracking the diet followed by the individual, because an individual who uses food diaries, or is constantly photographing the meals he consumes, can lose weight more continuously than individuals who do not.
Not consuming enough protein
Protein is one of the most important nutrients that help in losing and losing weight, and its importance lies in reducing the desire to eat or snack.
It is worth noting that proteins have a major effect on appetite-regulating hormones such as; Ghrelin, and other hormones.
Dependence on exercise without dieting
Calorie deficiency is very important for weight loss, which is done by doing some exercise.
And many studies have indicated that without adequate dietary changes, exercise alone is not likely to cause significant weight loss.
Drink sugary juices
The constant consumption of sugary drinks can prevent weight loss, i.e.
it may cause weight stability at times, and it is known that these drinks are insatiable.
It also provides a sufficient amount of energy to the body, and this is what causes the individual to consume large quantities of these drinks without feeling or noticing that.


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