Wonderful facts about the population of South Korea

Wonderful facts about the population of South Korea

South Korean women

This fact may shock some, because more than a quarter of South Korean women undergo plastic surgery, it is a country considered an ideal market for plastic surgery in the world, and it is reported that between 20-30% of Korean women undergo at least one plastic surgery, and it is also possible Some men subject their daughters to double eyelid surgery on their 16th birthday.

Restore crime in front of journalists

In South Korea, the criminal is forced to repeat his crime in front of the press and represent her again, and to take photos while re-enacting the crime step by step.

It is forbidden to write the name in red ink

It is forbidden in South Korea to write the name in red ink, because it has an indication and a sign that this person is about to die inevitable, or that he has already died, and it is known that these are myths because death is not dependent on ink or other, but they are Korean customs and traditions.

Death from the electric fan

Some Koreans believe that letting fans work overnight is a warning of a person's death, and it is believed that fan death is a sign of a common myth that is spreading among Koreans, namely that fans are able to kill Koreans.

Men dress up with makeup

This information is 100% honest, which is that a large percentage of Korean men, up to 20%, prefer to wear makeup, and that men's cosmetics in Korea are widespread.

The rate of obesity in Korea

The Korean population has a very low obesity rate among the world's proportions, because the Koreans maintain their body strength, only 3.2% of Koreans suffer obesity and overweight, and this percentage is very small compared to the world's population.

The markets operate day and night

In South Korea you can go at any time of the night or day to the street and shop what you want, because the markets have them work throughout the day without interruption, so that some shopping centers open late in the night until 4:00 in the morning so you can shop More comfortably.

Age among Koreans

The age of Koreans differs from the rest of the world. In Korea, they have the age of infants one year at birth, and they are counted from January 1 of every year. For example, “S.” was born on May 16, 1993 which means that she is 24 in every other place, But it is considered the age of 25 in South Korea.


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