Corona virous.. when this bad dream will finish?

In front of the measures taken by the countries of the world to besiege the emerging Corona virus, the most urgent question remains in everyone’s minds, when will this virus really be eradicated?  Or more precisely, when will he reach a final treatment for him?

 Continuing to spread and disrupting life in a number of countries of the world, the new Corona virus continues to move towards the unknown, causing confusion and anxiety in the people of the world, after witnessing a rapid rise in recent weeks, affecting thousands in more than a hundred countries, and exceeding the total of injuries and deaths reported  , China has not reported the first epicenter of the spread of the virus, as it recorded, up to the moment, more than 340,000 cases, and claimed 14,000 lives.

 Corona's escalation spread accompanied by the approach of several countries of the world to measures of social separation, such as the closure of schools, the abolition of sports and artistic activities, the prevention of gatherings and travel, the call to stay at home and not to leave except in cases of extreme necessity, while countries were more stringent, and imposed a curfew and a medical quarantine  Wide.  These measures seeking to curb the spread of the pandemic were met by a state of uncertainty and suspicion among the world's population, as the most urgent question remains in everyone’s minds, when will all this disappear?  Or at least when do we get past the danger stage?

 Find the antidote

 The vaccine is the magic solution that everyone is looking forward to, and the answer to the question of overcoming this disturbing dream is mainly linked to it, according to a number of specialists and experts who agree that stopping the global pandemic requires the development of a vaccine against it.  Mankind is awaiting the results of the experiments to develop the Coronavirus vaccine, which has been initiated by a number of scientific laboratories in China, Germany, the United States of America, France and other countries, since the first announcement of the registration of the first cases of "Covid-19".

 Mankind is awaiting the results of the experiments with the development of the Coronavirus vaccine, which have been initiated by a number of scientific laboratories in China, Germany, the United States of America, France and other countries.

 Research laboratories and the pharmaceutical industry in countries of the world are racing against time to reach a vaccine and treatment for the emerging virus. After US officials announced last Monday that the first possible human experiment for a vaccine had begun, Russia and China announced the same day, the next day, to launch the same experiments.  "Officially, Beijing has authorized clinical trials on the first vaccine it developed on the horizon for use in urgent cases next April."

 For its part, a German company is working strongly in the field, as its first experiences in developing a vaccine against Corona appear promising, which caused a dispute between the German and American governments, after the latter sought to monopolize the exclusive rights to the drug, according to German media reports.

 In the French city of Lyon, the VirPath laboratory works silently, seeking to find a cure for the Corona virus that saves humanity, and the laboratory operates according to a different method, as it does not seek to create a new vaccine, but rather conducts laboratory experiments using previously existing drugs against infectious diseases, on the Corona virus and checks for  How effective it is, as the laboratory administration says that this approach has already yielded results, and ongoing research is ambitious. "The laboratory calls on health authorities in France to allow them to conduct clinical trials on patients in critical situations."

 Great efforts are being made to develop a vaccine that eliminates the epidemic, and clinical investigations and trials are being conducted to obtain the appropriate vaccine (DPA)

 "Great efforts are being made to develop a vaccine that eliminates the epidemic, and clinical investigations and experiments are conducted to obtain the appropriate vaccine," according to director of the Virus Laboratory at Hassan II University in Casablanca, Mustafa Al-Naji, "However, arriving at the vaccine composition and testing it and producing sufficient quantities to meet the great demand for it, may take  According to the spokesman, more than a year and a half, "he told TRT Arabic.

 The period during which the treatment will be ready will, in turn, lead to controversy and inconsistencies in the data, at a time when experts and specialists confirm that reaching a vaccine takes one year to 18 months, and Herbert Holden Thorpe, editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Science, revealed that arriving at a safe and manufactured vaccine may take  A year and a half or so much longer, a number of politicians and leaders preached to the world that the vaccine would be available within weeks, and their countries would be able to eliminate corona, such as US President Trump, who said that the Food and Drug Administration had reduced the production time of a Corona vaccine from months or  Maybe years to days.

 In this regard, the survivor says that any vaccine, whatever its type, needs several scientific stages, the stage of innovation, then animal experimentation, and clinical trials in humans, after which the vaccine needs approval, according to complicated and accurate terms and standards by local health agencies in each country, then  Then the last stage that requires industrialization, and all these stages require periods of time that last for months and possibly years, in order to maintain safety standards, and that the vaccine does not have side effects or that its effect varies when moving from animal testing to humans.

 Any vaccine, whatever its type, requires several scientific stages. The stage of innovation, animal experimentation, and clinical trials in humans. After that, the vaccine needs approval according to complex and precise conditions and standards.

 Mustafa Al-Naji, director of the Virus Laboratory at Hassan II University in Casablanca

 These stages are based on scientific theory, according to the Moroccan epidemiologist, and are familiar with all experts and scholars. As for politicians ’statements, he adds that“ behind them are often accounts and trends, because the tasks and roles of politicians are not the same as the tasks of scholars. ”  The spokesman revealed that the stages of implementing a vaccine may shrink if the work is organized between the laboratories and divided in an innovative way, but it certainly will not be a few days, as he put it.

 Virus trapping

 According to Tidros Adhanom Gebresos, the WHO’s chief, the answer to the question of when the world will surpass this nightmare remains “breaking the transmission chains of the virus,” as he stressed in a press conference held on March 16 that to quell the price of this pandemic,  All countries should adopt a comprehensive approach, which mixes measures of social separation with screening and isolation of infected cases and their contacts.  He added: "You cannot fight a fire with closed eyes. Likewise, we cannot stop this pandemic if we do not identify those who are infected."

 At a time when the President of the World Health Organization revealed that Europe is the epicenter of the pandemic today, and the incidence and death rates continue to rise, he said that the activation of the WHO strategic plan for preparedness and response to contain the virus, by many countries, is "encouraging", adding that the organization's advice to governments  Institutions and individuals are “very clear”, namely: “First, preparedness and preparedness. Second, disclosure, protection, and treatment. Third, limiting transition. Fourth, innovation and learning.”

 Since its appearance at the end of last year in the Chinese city of “Wuhan” and its spread in the rest of the world east and west, Coffed-19 has claimed hundreds of lives and has become a troublesome nightmare that worries countries and their peoples. So far, scientists have not been able to find a radical solution to end the unexpected crisis  And life returns to normal.

 In his answer to an Arab TRT question about the expected time for the world to recover from this epidemic, the director of the Virus Laboratory at Hassan II University in Casablanca said that it is difficult to say for a certain time, but that adherence to the measures to prevent the virus will limit its spread, noting that "the period  Hostage to the extent of the involvement of the countries of the world and the commitment of all its components institutions and citizens. "

  After US officials announced last Monday that the first possible human experiment for a vaccine has begun, Russia and China will, in the next day, announce the start of the same experiments (AFP)

 The epidemiologist added that eliminating the seriousness of the virus remains in 90% of it in the hands of the population’s treatment of it, and the extent of their commitment to the government's directives, especially in countries that are still in the early stages of its spread, highlighting that these countries should benefit from the experiences of the way their counterparts are treated,  Asians like China and South Korea, and avoiding falling into the problems of the European Union countries such as Italy, Spain and France, in which the situation deteriorated and it seems that the authorities have lost control of the situation. The spokesman added: “These are economically strong countries and their health systems are developed, so if countries lag behind that level, it is something  It will lead to disaster  Humanity ".

 “Nobody knows what will happen in the future,” says Jamal Al-Din Bouzidi, a physician in chest and respiratory diseases, and the president of a Moroccan association to fight infectious diseases, noting that “it depends when people commit to medical quarantine and prevention measures, to limit the spread of the virus, and not to transmit it between individuals.”  And he added that "the behavior of the peoples of the world and its systems and dealing with the pandemic, if ideal, will be eliminated as China did, and vice versa."

 In the critical circumstance, we are still bilaterally, human on one side and Corona virus on the other, in conflict.  It seems that up to the moment the "Covid-19", which the President of the World Health Organization described as "the first enemy of mankind", is still controlling the situation, despite the endeavors and efforts made to besiege him by the various means available, this task seems complicated and not easy.

 The difficulty of besieging the pandemic lies, according to the statement of the specialist doctor of the TRT Arabic site, "in the fact that the virus is able to transmit and develop", revealing: "It is known that any virus when transmitted from animal to human is of a high degree of severity, and when it is transmitted repeatedly between people, it weakens, but  We followed the opposite in Italy, where the death rate moved from 2.5 and 2.7% to 7%, and the same is true with regard to the degree of infection, which was also small and greatly increased, and thus controlling this virus or judging the way it works is not currently possible.

 End scenarios

 Specialists unanimously agree that it is difficult to predict the future of the virus and the results it can lead to, on a health, social and economic level, but they agree on the possibility of containing it and minimizing its effects, as Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea did, as well as China, the focus of Corona, which is close to eliminating it, after  The strict medical quarantine measures it has pursued over 60 million people in Wuhan, and imposed quarantine on hundreds of millions of Chinese and foreigners.

 Measures to contain the virus in China, despite their high cost to the global economy, have saved hundreds of thousands of people from infection, according to the World Health Organization, as it has resulted in a very large number of infections and deaths.  The Chinese experience raises a lot of hope that the world will recover, but it remains, according to Al-Bouzidi, "hostage to the approach that the rest of the countries will deal with the virus, as we see in return the difficulties that Italy is facing, despite its development and civilization that has been struck in history."

 Measures to contain the virus in China, despite its high cost to the global economy, have saved hundreds of thousands of people from infection, according to the World Health Organization.

 Mustapha Naji, a Moroccan expert in viruses who worked in his 1983 master’s degree on Corona virus, said that seeking to contain the virus by diagnosing patients and isolating their contacts, in addition to monitoring movement, is measures that limit the spread of the virus and eliminate it, but  Provided with full compliance and compliance, and impose a comprehensive and compulsory quarantine if necessary.

 On the other hand, specialists hope that the new Corona virus will be seasonal, and therefore the possibility of receding with the rise in weather temperatures.  summer season.

 In this context, Bouzidani says that the Covid-19 virus lives today at -60 and 30 degrees Celsius, and speculation that it will disappear after the temperature rise, is contained, as happened with the SARS virus in 2002, which disappeared after high temperatures after it killed  800 people, and after it reappeared years ago, it wasn't the same. "

 Up to the time of the hour, there is no vaccine and no specific anti-coronavirus medication, and therefore the best way remains is prevention, by persisting in cleaning hands, covering the mouth when coughing by bending the elbow or with a tissue, and avoiding a distance of at least one meter (3)  Feet) for people who cough or sneeze, as well as adhere to the directions of the medical staff and authorities.

 Source: TRT Arabic


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