zaha hadid

She graduated in 1977 from the Architectural Society in London, [11] and worked as an assistant at the College of Architecture 1987, and she has been a visiting professor at several universities in European countries and America, including Harvard, Chicago, Hamburg, Ohio, Colombia, New York and Yale.  When asked about any Baghdad memorial, she prefers to be a "media symbol of Baghdad," she did not hesitate to see the best "Kahramana" monument because it symbolizes the golden age of Rashid and the stories of a thousand nights and nights, and this is mainly related to the global collective imagination of Baghdad. [12] [9] [13  ]

 Zaha has committed to a deconstructive school that focuses on style and modern design, and has implemented 950 projects in 44 countries. [14]  Her work was characterized by imagination, as she puts her designs on loose free lines that are not defined by horizontal or vertical lines.  She was also very durable, as she used iron in her designs.  The projects of the fire station in Germany in 1993 are the building of the Italian Art Museum in Rome in 2009 and the American in Cincinnati, Abu Dhabi Bridge, and the London Marine Sports Center, which was dedicated to the Olympic Games held in 2012, the subway station in Strasbourg, the cultural center in Azerbaijan  The Scientific Center in Wellsburg, the Steam Station in Salerno, the Ski Center in Innsbruck, and the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku in 2013 are among the most prominent projects that have brought Hadid well-deserved to the global stage. [15]

 She won many prizes, medals and honors in architecture, and was one of the first women to receive the Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 2004, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Engineering; [16] and the Stirling Prize in Menna two seasons; and was awarded the British Empire Medal and Medal  The Japanese Imperial in 2012. She won the Royal Gold Medal at the Riba Engineering Award in 2016, becoming the first woman to win her. [17]  She was described as the most powerful engineer in the world, and she saw that the field of architecture is not only reserved for men, [18] it has achieved Arab and international achievements, and not only did architectural designs but also designed furniture up to the shoes, and prestigious international names made sure to cooperate with Hadid,  This led her critics to call her Lady Gaga the world of engineering, and she was chosen as the fourth most powerful woman in the world in 2010. [8] [19]

 She died on March 31, 2016 at the age of 65, after suffering a heart attack in a Miami hospital in the United States, as her office in London announced, where he said: “With great sadness, the Zaha Hadid Architecture Company confirms that Zaha died suddenly in Miami this morning.  , And she was suffering from pneumonia that she suffered over the weekend and had a heart attack while being treated in hospital. [20]
She graduated in 1977 from the Architectural Society in London, [11] and worked as an assistant at the College of Architecture 1987, and she has been a visiting professor at several universities in European countries and America, including Harvard, Chicago, Hamburg, Ohio, Colombia, New York and Yale.  When asked about any Baghdad memorial, she prefers to be a "media symbol of Baghdad," she did not hesitate to see the best "Kahramana" monument because it symbolizes the golden age of Rashid and the stories of a thousand nights and nights, and this is mainly related to the global collective imagination of Baghdad

 Zaha has committed to a deconstructive school that focuses on style and modern design, and has implemented 950 projects in 44 countries. Her work was characterized by imagination, as she puts her designs on loose free lines that are not defined by horizontal or vertical lines.  She was also very durable, as she used iron in her designs.  The projects of the fire station in Germany in 1993 are the building of the Italian Art Museum in Rome in 2009 and the American in Cincinnati, Abu Dhabi Bridge, and the London Marine Sports Center, which was dedicated to the Olympic Games held in 2012, the subway station in Strasbourg, the cultural center in Azerbaijan  The Scientific Center in Wellsburg, the Steam Station in Salerno, the Ski Center in Innsbruck, and the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku in 2013 are among the most prominent projects that have brought Hadid well-deserved to the global stage. 

 She won many prizes, medals and honors in architecture, and was one of the first women to receive the Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 2004, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Engineering; [16] and the Stirling Prize in Menna two seasons; and was awarded the British Empire Medal and Medal  The Japanese Imperial in 2012. She won the Royal Gold Medal at the Riba Engineering Award in 2016, becoming the first woman to win her. [17]  She was described as the most powerful engineer in the world, and she saw that the field of architecture is not only reserved for men, [18] it has achieved Arab and international achievements, and not only did architectural designs but also designed furniture up to the shoes, and prestigious international names made sure to cooperate with Hadid,  This led her critics to call her Lady Gaga the world of engineering, and she was chosen as the fourth most powerful woman in the world in 2010.

 She died on March 31, 2016 at the age of 65, after suffering a heart attack in a Miami hospital in the United States, as her office in London announced, where he said: “With great sadness, the Zaha Hadid Architecture Company confirms that Zaha died suddenly in Miami this morning.  , And she was suffering from pneumonia that she suffered over the weekend and had a heart attack while being treated in hospital. 


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